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Muhtasibeen Resolve Conflict in Baghlan and Prevent Forced Marriage
Muhtasibeen in Dandghori, Baghlan, resolved a dispute that had led to a tribal decision to exchange a girl in bad marriage (forced marriage). They emphasized the importance of considering the consent of daughters and sisters in marriage
The Achievement of The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints During the Mouths of February/ March( Kab, the last Mouth of Hijri Year 1403)
The Achievement of The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints During the Mouths of February/ March( Kab, the last Mouth of Hijri Year 1403)
Women's. . .
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Muhtasibeen Resolve Conflict in Baghlan and Prevent Forced Marriage
Muhtasibeen in Dandghori, Baghlan, resolved a dispute that had led to a tribal decision to exchange a girl in bad marriage (forced marriage). They emphasized the importance of. . .
The Achievement of The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints During the Mouths of February/ March( Kab, the last Mouth of Hijri Year 1403)
The Achievement of The Ministry of Promotion of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints During the Mouths of February/ March( Kab, the last Mouth of Hijri Year 1403)
Women's. . .
The Hearing Complaints Department Addresses Nearly 140 Women’s Sharia Cases
The Department of Hearing Complaints, Directorate for the Promotion of Virtue in Bamyan, reports handling nearly 140 women’s Sharia cases over the past two years in both the center and. . .
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The recent concern of UNAMA regarding women’s rights and freedom of expressions are unfounded and we strongly reject them!
Yesterday, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) published a report concerning the state of human rights in the country. The report alleged that the Ministry for. . .
Officials of the Ministry MOPVPV hold a coordination meeting with scholars & imams of mosques of Kabul city.
In this meeting the implementation of the decrees, commands and recommendation of Ameerul Momineen (Allah bless him), establishing virtue and preventing vices in society and supporting. . .