The recent concern of UNAMA regarding women’s rights and freedom of expressions are unfounded and we strongly reject them!

سه‌شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۹ - ۱۴:۳

Yesterday, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) published a report concerning the state of human rights in the country. The report alleged that the Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue, Prevention of Vice and Hearing Complaints, had imposed restrictions on freedom of expression, women’s rights, and other fundamental freedoms of them. This ministry strongly reject these criticisms and concerns, deeming them unfounded, detached from reality, and influenced by a Western perspective.
A section of the report states that, according to the directives of the Muhtasebeen of this Ministry, women are not allowed to go to the market or engage in trade without a male guardian. It must be clarified that this claim is far from the truth and is an attempt to discredit the Ministry of Vice and Virtue. There is no such provision in the law of "Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice." The law only stipulates the necessity of a male guardian for women in journeys that exceed 72 kilometers, taking into account the protection, dignity, and needs of women.
UNAMA should not disregard the achievements of the Ministry in upholding women's rights, such as in the areas of dowry (Mahr), inheritance, maintenance, as well as the prevention of forced marriages and domestic violence. It should consider the religious and cultural values of Afghan society and avoid making baseless criticisms.
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, particularly the Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, has not imposed any restrictions on women's rights. Instead, it has ensured the protection of all their rights while considering Islamic principles, religious and Afghan values, and social sensitivities. It has made efforts to create a safe Islamic environment for them and to provide access to their rights.
We urge UNAMA to consider the religious values and culture of this nation in its reports and to avoid baseless and false criticisms.

تازه خبرونه

یکشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۸ - ۱۱:۵۲
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کونړ کې له سوداګرو او هټۍ‌والو سره اصلاحي ناستې ترسره شوې

د کونړ ولایت محتسبینو د اسلامي اصولو سره سم بازار او اقتصادي چاپېریال رامنځته کولو په موخه د یاد ولایت یو شمېر سوداګرو او هټۍ‌والو سره اصلاحي ناستو کې له هغوی وغوښتل ترڅو په خپلو چارو. . .

شنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۷ - ۱۱:۵
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میدان وردګ کې د دوو کورنیو ترمنځ (۱۲) کلنه شخړه په دوستۍ بدله شوه

د میدان وردګ ولایت د امربالمعروف ریاست محتسبینو د مرکز ميدان‌ښار کې د دوو کورنیو د کلیوالي ستونزو له امله راولاړه شوې (۱۲) کلنه شخړه، حل او په دوستۍ بدله کړه.

محتسبینو په خپلو خبرو کې. . .

پنجشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۱۱/۲۵ - ۱۲:۲۱
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پکتیا کې د رسنیو له مسئولینو سره د همغږۍ ناسته ترسره شوه


د پکتیا د امر بالمعروف رئیس د ځینو رسنیو له مسؤولینو سره په ناسته کې وویل: رسنۍ په ټولنه کې د ممبر حیثیت لري،پر تاسې لازمه ده چې تر خلکو هغه څه ورسوئ چې داسلام او اسلامي نظام اساسي. . .